Studio Dialogues
12 min 57, 4k video with sound
In Studio Dialogues two artists navigate the unspoken tensions of shared space, ambition and gendered balances of power. Amid a cavernous studio that contrasts the minutiae of their concerns, the film captures moments of stilted dialogue and abstractly manipulated footage, building a sterile, heightened atmosphere. Through choreography, banal exchange and palpable silences their relationship becomes a quiet battleground of subtext. Studio Dialogues explores the nuanced dynamics of friendship, rivalry, and everyday strains of artistic pursuits, revealing how much can be left unsaid between those closest to us.
Starring Benji Jeffrey and Penny Klein
DOP Elliot Millson
Score Jake Biernat
Grading Sebastian Büerkner
Sound Mix Merijn Royaards
Sound recording and production assistants, Kathryn Addis and Will Sipling