Gesture & direction




RCA Dyson Building, Battersea. SW11 4AN

31st January 2017


Guest Curated by Léa Herbeth

Guest Artists Karen Mirza & Brad Butler.


Katherine Fishman, Benji Jeffrey, David Theobald, Anna Zett


This screening brings together five works that provide a frame to examine the significance of a physical gesture in contemporary life and society. These videos assess real and simulated human gestures and actions that we encounter in life, Hollywood films and digital gaming. Be it in the way we carry a backpack or project ourselves to a public audience, the state in which we encounter and assess gestures become increasingly complex and blurred, particularly as progression is made in digital technologies and encourages a state of ‘refinement’ in human action. What becomes apparent in these works is a need to review physical gestures, large or minute, human or digital. To what extent are we being directed and how does the lens or digital mediums allow for reflection and ‘progress’ in contemporary life?


For further information and a text response by Josh Leon download the PDF here.